Home / News / AmeraMex International Receives Equipment Orders Totaling $725,000

AmeraMex International Receives Equipment Orders Totaling $725,000

Jun 15, 2023Jun 15, 2023


AmeraMexInternational, Inc. (OTC:AMMX), a provider of heavy equipment for logistics companies , infrastructure construction and forestry conservation , announced that it hasbeen awarded equipment orders totaling $725,000. The orders areexpected to ship before the end of the third quarter.

The first order is fora Taylor T1035 Wheel Loader. Wheel loaders are a type of heavymachinery used to load and carry materials across a job site. They canlift almost anything including rubble, gravel, soil, debris, and dirt,depending on the power and bucket capacity. While they are often usedin construction, loaders also play a role in agriculture andindustrial cleanup projects. The loader is being shipped to a customeron the West Coast.

Taylor WheelLoader

The secondorder was for a Taylor X-175 Forklift shipping to a sawmill company inNorthern California. Forklifts are used in sawmills to lift and movematerials over short distances. They work best for stacks of lumber orties.

Taylor X-175Forklift

Thethird order was for a Caterpillar V-925 Forklift with a capacity of92,000 pounds. The lift is shipping to a trucking company in theMidwest.

Caterpillar V-925Forklift

For moreinformation and pricing of equipment for the logistics, construction,and forestry industries, or to book a demonstration of the First GreenCompany’s 100 percent electric skid steer loaders, ASV Posti-Tractand Skid Steer Loaders, Menzi Muck Excavators or a Magni TelescopicHandler, contact the AmeraMex/Hamre Equipment sales team at530.895.8955.

AboutAmeraMex International

AmeraMex International sells, leasesand rents heavy equipment to companies within multiple industriesincluding construction, logistics, mining, and lumber. AmeraMex, witha US and international customer base, has over 30 years of experiencein heavy equipment sales and service. Follow AmeraMex on Twitter@ammx_intl and visit the AmeraMex website, for additional information and equipmentvideos.

Forward-Looking Statements

This pressrelease contains forward-looking statements. All statements other thanstatements of historical facts included in this press release areforward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statementscan be identified by words such as "believe,""expect," "anticipate," "plan,""potential," "continue" or similar expressions. Suchforward-looking statements include risks and uncertainties, and thereare key factors that could cause actual results to differ materiallyfrom those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.Investors are encouraged to review the Company’s filings with theSecurities and Exchange Commission. Investors should not place anyundue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve knownand unknown, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases,beyond the Company’s control which could, and likely will,materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance orachievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects the Company’scurrent views with respect to future events and is subject to theseand other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to operations,results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. The Companyassumes no obligation to publicly update or revise theseforward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasonsactual results could differ materially from those anticipated in theseforward-looking statements, even if added information becomesavailable in the future.

Marty Tullio

+1 949-632-1900

[email protected]

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